Saturday 26 March 2016

[Photos] Checkout Photos From Redeemers University ''RUNSA'' Dinner Party

So, thursday's Runsa dinner party @Redeemers University was Lit...Students enjoyed themselves to the fullest with lots to eat and drink, Cool and Jamming music and lot more. The DJ of the night DJ Zino took all students by suprise when he mixed different danceable Old Skul songs which brought excitement to all present @the dinner party.

The most exciting moment was when a talented artiste of the university ''Blackman'' was announced the winner in the Artiste of the year category, then immediately the host announced Blackman as the winner the lights in the school went off.....Lol
 It took 30mins before the light was restored to the school....I think that was the best moment..

Checkout Photos Below:


  1. why b say na mostly una picture u post?
    all the same we have noticed u guys; eshee!!!

  2. nawa o, most of the pictures abt the RUNSA dinner are just centered on ur crew and friends.
    try next time to make it a GENERAL stuff.
    nice work sha.

  3. the dinner was fukd up, something that they gave us spoilt chicken...they are looking fr who to kill its not me o, n toks stop hyping the dinner, its not worth it
